Our powerful booking engine, ResLynx FIT revolutionizes the work of travel agents and tour operators and unlocks their full potential. With ResLynx FIT, you offer the whole world of travel to your clients. Instantly.

What Is ResLynx FIT?
ResLynx FIT is the culmination of years of collaboration between our expert developers and seasoned travel agents and tour operators. We took a deep dive into the daily challenges faced by travel specialists—like managing duplicates, correcting errors, losing documents, adjusting quotes, dealing with booking delays, and navigating limited and often unclear supplier inventories. The constant tab-shuffling, untraceable emails, and juggling of too many software platforms were all issues begging for a solution.
Our platform is that solution. ResLynx FIT is designed to be the ultimate work companion for travel professionals, combining everything needed to sell a seamless FIT trip into one powerful online hub. You can browse, quote, compare, reserve, and confirm—all in one place, whether you’re on the phone or emailing clients. With all your clients’ information at your fingertips and real-time data accessible from anywhere in the world, ResLynx FIT ensures you’re always in control, no matter where your journey takes you. It allows you to fully focus on the purpose of the travel agent in the 21st century: create memorable experiences.
ResLynx FIT is the travel companion to travel companions. You make travel easy for your clients, we make it easy for you.
Louis Mercier, Founder and CEO
Our Many Advantages
Integrate the largest number of suppliers. Connect with all the main players in the travel industry.
Secure payments with the agency’s banking provider.
Powerful agency portal. Simplify your workflows.
Speed-up reservations, answer clients more quickly, make more sales.
Flexible and powerful booking engine (quick search) that allows call-centre agents to customize and create trips in minutes.
Automatic reporting to your accounting software.
Create customer profiles and follow purchase histories. Better support your clients on their trips.
Let your expertise meet cutting-edge technology
Increase employee satisfaction
Connect with all the major suppliers. Instantly.