ResLynx Help — Addons

View all reservations in Addons; search using various filters.

Manage your currencies and update exchange rates.

Allows you to manage your destinations, create new ones and modify existing ones. You must use the IATA code of your destination.

Allows you to manage your flight seat inventories.

This is where you can create, manage and modify your Addons. Addons are options that can be added to the packages you sell (e.g., a fishing session or a visit to a tourist site). You can also search for Addons by booking date or validity range.

Allows you to set: your minimum and maximum profits (in dollars, per person, per stay), when final payment must be made, and how you wish to round off your prices (e.g., from 999 to 1000). 

Allows you to set the various questions that may be asked when booking packages (e.g. “do you have any allergies”, “do you prefer an aisle or window seat”).

Allows you to set languages, groups, options, suppliers and categories for your Addons. The items in this section enable you to create your own personalized Addons ecosystem. For example, you can create an “Experiences” category and associate certain Addons with it; you can also create different Addon groups (promotions, in-house, website, etc.).

Allows you to configure the sales periods available for each of your Addons. You can define them by days of the week, or create a customized time slot (e.g., for the first two weeks of the month, between two dates, Mondays, etc.).

Allows you to set up and manage your suppliers, add new ones, delete existing ones or modify existing supplier information.

Manage the users who have access to your Addons platform. You can determine their status, which features they have access to, which suppliers they are responsible for, their usernames and passwords, etc.

Allows you to change the password of the logged-in user.